There is a capable management team behind every famous musician, successful music project or amazing music institution.
As one the very few, we offer education in the field of management and culture production with specialisation in music. This is the place where many successful artists, directors, music managers and agents started their careers. The department has a great team educators who hold important positions in the world of music or culture and publish both abroad and in the Czech Republic.
For example:
- Marie Kučerová, director of the Brno Philharmonic;
- Jana Janulíková, director of TIC Brno,
- Martin Královič, executive of PS Events;
- Zdeňka Vlachovská, director of Barka Theatre and production manager of the Theatre on Orlí Street;
- Jan Petr, director of the Theatre on Orlí Street;
- Jana Vondráčková, secretary of FoM JAMU;
- Vít Kouřil, editor-in-chief of the Sedmá Generace magazine;
- Šárka Motalová, press spokesperson of the Technical Museum;
- Jan Tomandl, managing correspondent of Czech News Agency Brno;
- Simona Škarabelová, fundraiser of the National Theatre Brno.
- We are also proud that our graduates return to us as educators or guests
We offer studies at all three levels – the bachelor’s degree, subsequent master’s degree and also in the doctoral study programme. Graduates of schools without a previous music specialisation can join us, as well as performers who want to expand their knowledge and skills. The studies end not only with a classic bachelor’s or master’s thesis, but also with the realisation of an original art project.

The department is headed by Lucie Pešl Šilerová, founder of the professional international meeting Symposium: Arts | Music | Management, creative director of the Open House Brno festival, which in 2017 published the German “Kulturorchester”: structure; organisation; financing. As a visiting pedagogue, she lectures regularly at the Masaryk University, the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague, the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava or at foreign conferences.
doc. Ing. MgA. Lucie Pešl Šilerová , Ph.D. - head of department
- doc. Ing. MgA. Lucie Pešl Šilerová , Ph.D. , associate professor
- Mgr. Zuzana Ježková , assistant professor
- Mgr. Vít Kouřil , assistant professor
- MgA. Barbora Mikolášiková , assistant professor
- JUDr. Markéta Štěpáníková , Ph.D. , assistant professor
- Ing. Zdeňka Vlachovská , assistant professor
- Ing. Jana Vondráčková , assistant professor
- Eva Dittrichová , Vyučující
- Eva Gartnerová , Vyučující
- Mgr. Vítězslav Mikeš , Ph.D. , Vyučující
- Ing. Šárka Motalová , Vyučující
- Ing. Vojtěch Müllner , Ph.D. , Vyučující
- doc. MgA. Jan Petr , Vyučující
- Ing. Alena Šafrová Drášilová , Ph.D. , Vyučující
- Mgr. Pavel Šindelář , Ph.D. , Vyučující
- doc. František Svoboda , Vyučující
- Mgr. Mgr. Jana Tichá Janulíková , Dip. um. , Vyučující
- MgA. Gabriela Vojtičková , DiS. , Vyučující
- Vratislav Vozník , Vyučující
Further information
The mission of the Music Production Department is to prepare managers for professional careers in a wide range of music institutions – orchestras, theatres, art agencies, art schools, as well as for independent artistic management activities. This field of study seeks to combine the development of students’ own personal artistic and creative potential with training for management, coordination and strategic planning. It also emphasises the economic aspects of musical processes, the legislative environment (copyright issues), marketing and the art of PR.
The department pursues the following main objectives:
- To develop the talent and abilities of students for independent implementation of art projects.
- To equip students with theoretical and practical knowledge for their careers as professional music managers and producers.
- To identify and develop trends in the field, pass on the knowledge to both students and the professional public (through teaching, experiment, art projects and professional conferences), lead professional reflection and pursue scientific research.
- To develop practical skills through active participation of students in cultural projects of the JAMU Faculty of Music and its partners directly from the practice (e.g. Brno Philharmonic).
Students and graduates of the department find employment in cultural and artistic organisations of the non-governmental non-profit sector, in contributory organisations, in commercial entities and in public and State administration. They also often engage in their own artistic and entrepreneurial activities. These are mainly positions of managers of orchestras, opera ensembles or art agencies, marketing or PR managers, project managers or art critics. Many students are already employed during the final phase of their studies.
Information regarding the admission procedure can be found HERE.
Profile of applicants for studies:
Bachelor’s degree
A high school graduate who, through his or her talent, abilities, skills and knowledge, meets the requirements for music managers, has a clear motivation and interest in the field of music, and is well versed and interested in culture. He or she is proficient in one of the most popular language at secondary education level (B1 CEFR).
Master’s degree
A graduate of bachelor’s degree studies in a given field or a related bachelor’s degree level field, whose graduate project and bachelor’s thesis and a portfolio of own cultural projects and activities show an excellent level. Through his or her skills, knowledge and talent, the applicant meets the prerequisites for the given specialisation at the master’s degree level. He or she is proficient in one of the most popular languages at the university level with an emphasis on musical terminology (B2 CEFR).
Characteristics of professions of bachelor’s degree graduates
A graduate of the bachelor’s degree studies can find employment mainly in the following professions:
- lower or middle level manager of an orchestra, music section of a theatre or art agency (e.g. a manager of a concert department at an orchestra);
- deputy director of a primary art school;
- production manager;
- production team leader;
- coordinator of volunteers in art institutions;
- project assistant;
- project manager;
- event manager;
- festival secretary;
- secretary/head an artistic operations;
- secretary for guest artists;
- head of artistic and technical operations;
- public relations officer;
- marketing and sponsorship officer;
- fundraiser of art projects;
- art agency worker;
- businessman – a self-employed person.
Characteristics of professions of master’s degree graduates
A graduate of the master’s degree studies can find employment mainly in the following professions:
- head of marketing department in music institutions;
- intendant and impresario;
- manager of a large international project/festival;
- project office manager / project manager;
- festival director;
- head of education in a music institution;
- music director;
- general manager / director of the orchestra;
- producer;
- head of a cultural department of a municipal authority;
- head of a city cultural centre;
- artistic director;
- dramaturge;
- manager of a non-profit organisation;
- artistic manager / artistic agent / self-employed person;
- head of primary art schools, conservatories and music grammar schools.
Characteristics of professions of doctoral graduates
A doctoral graduate can find employment mainly in the following professions:
- educator;
- researcher;
- manager of art operations or own projects and activities.
The Music Production Department offers three types of studies:
- Bachelor’s degree studies in Music Management. It prepares graduates for mid-level management and production management in music institutions.
- Master’s degree studies in Music Production. It prepares graduates for the career of senior managers of music institutions, art schools, independent art producers or heads of art agencies.
- Doctoral studies in Music Production. It expands the competencies of master’s degree graduates and leads students towards their own scientific, publishing and pedagogical activities and towards the implementation of more demanding and extensive music projects on an international stage.
Every year, the bachelor’s and master’s degree studies offer 25 of their own courses focused on the issues of music production and management. The teaching combines several forms: individual face-to-face teaching, project teaching, practical implementation of art projects, internships in professional practice or self-instruction.
Studies at the department deepen the students’ knowledge mainly in the following areas: organisation and structure of music; cultural management; basics of general management; economics; business science; marketing; project management; practical production; human resources management and legislation; managerial psychology; copyright issues; sociology of media; PR; online marketing; basics of stage technologies; fundraising; cultural policy It further develops an informed insight into the philosophy of art, musicology, anthropology, psychology, sociology and journalism, and overlaps into opera directing and conducting.
It is important for our students to continuously build a network of contacts in the field of art, as well as personal ties with performers or direct ties to leading positions in these areas. We also place emphasis on specialised language education, which facilitates employability in an international context.
We also provide a portfolio of practically oriented courses that cover the following areas:
- production of an international music festival;
- opera production;
- production of an international interpretation competition;
- creating the artist’s image and portfolio;
- conference production.
An overview of all courses can be found HERE.
Graduates of the JAMU Music Production Department include important artists and managers such as Jakub Čížek (director of the Czech Radio Symphony Orchestra), Lucie Šnajdrová (manager of the Moravian Autumn Festival), Jonáš Harman (director of the Moravian Philharmonic Olomouc), Pavel Černoch (opera singer), Pavel Lojda (secretary of the Janáček Brno festival), Karel Hampl (director of the State Chamber Orchestra of Žilina).
See the promotional video of Percussion Ensemble JAMU for an example of our students’ creative work:
Symposium: Arts | Music | Management (2013, 2016, 2019)
In 2013, for the first time in the context of the Czech Republic, an international professional meeting focused on music management was held, and it was initiated by the Music Production Department. Leading experts such as Mary Lou Falcone and Veronique Firkušný (New York, USA) spoke there. In the following years, the symposium was organised under the auspices of other universities providing education in the field of music management and production (Academy of Performing Arts in Prague, Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava). In 2016, the Symposium took place again at FoM JAMU, extended by the Forum of Employers – a meeting of professionals from music institutions in the Czech Republic. In 2019, the last Brno symposium so far took place.
See more on our Facebook:
Music production
Educators of the department provide or guarantee many domestic and international artistic activities, such as:
- Leoš Janáček International Competition in Brno
- Meetings of New Music Plus
- production of the Chamber Opera of FoM JAMU
- Olomouc Song Festival
- Opera Europa – Autumn Conference (2014)
- Celebrations of Rudolf Firkušný’s 100th Anniversary (2012)
- Employers’ Forum
- Open House Brno Architecture Festival
- The Heartcore Records Label
Selected diploma theses
- Hrubšová, P. The employees selection methods in artistic sector, 2016;
- Kubál, I. Survey of the Audience of the Festival Theatre World Brno 2016, 2017;
- Ochrymčuková, A. Musical dramaturgy of public service media: the case of Radiozurnal, 2013;
- Pinknerová, A. PR in classical music. Image of artist from music agency’s view, 2017;
- Sedlák, V. Transformation of consumer behavior after the advance of legal digital music distribution, 2017;
- Sikora, O. Fundraising of particular non-profit organization Cultural centre Cooltour Ostrava, 2016;
- Vrajíková, Z. Performance advertising on Facebook and usability in cultural sector, 2017.
Selected graduate projects:
- Bazgier, O. Conference ZUŠ, 2018
- Lukášová, Z. Conference about art criticism, 2017
- Samková, M. Internship in the Czech Centre New York 2016
- Grombiřík, M. A series of concerts the band Circus Problem 2016
- Žilecká, M. Symposium: Arts | Music | Management 2016
- Peclová, D. Conference Opera Europa Brno 2014
- Palaniyappan, Z. Introduction of the futuristic opera Victory over the Sun as part of the Moravian Autumn festival 2018
The Music Production Department is a member of two international networks:
ENCATC (European network on cultural management and policy)
Fachverband Kulturmanagement (The association for cultural management of german speaking countries)
The Department cooperates with many domestic and foreign organisations in the academic, non-profit, State or private spheres, for example:
- Opera Europa
- Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien – IKM
- Universität Franz List Weimar
- Music Management and Dramaturgy of the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava
- EURODOC (the European Council of Doctoral Candidates and Junior Researchers)
- EFA (European Festival Association)
- IMG Artists agency
- Brno Philharmonic
- National Theatre Brno
- Music management Academy of Performing Arts in Prague
- Moravian Gallery
- Brno Contemporary Orchestra
- Moravian Autumn, Easter Festival of Sacred Music, Exposition of New Music
- Janáček Brno and Theatre World festivals
- Prof. Jiří Štilec
- MgA. Jakub Čížek
- Dr. Mojmír Jeřábek
- Prof. Peter Tschmuck
- Miguel Kertsman
- Prof. Steffen Höhne
- Véronique Firkušný
- Mary Lou Falcone
- Barbara Willis Sweete
- BcA. Valerie Hendrychová
- Prof. Calvin Taylor
- Prof. Rostam Neuwirth
- John Groves
- Daniel Šmíd
- Lukáš Jandač
Events of the department and its employees
See the Symposium website