Barbara Maria Willi is the new member of the AEC Council

From November 9 to 11, 2023, the annual meeting of the Association Européenne des Conservatoires, Académies de Musique et Musikhochschulen (AEC) was held in The Hague. The event was organized by our partner university, the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague. Representatives from JAMU included the Rector of JAMU, the Dean of the Faculty of Music and the PR Manager of the Faculty of Music.

In addition to presenting the international study program European Master of Early Music, which we share with our partner university in The Hague, there was also an election of new members to the AEC Council. We are delighted to announce that the Dean of the Faculty of Music at JAMU, Barbara Maria Willi, will serve on the AEC Council for the next three years. Małgorzata Sternal from Krakow was also elected as a new member of the Council.

“My membership in the AEC Council represents a great prestige for JAMU in the community of European and world art schools. Based on the election results, I have received a number of interesting offers for collaboration and opportunities for advocacy. I will represent not only the Faculty of Music at JAMU but all art schools represented in the AEC,” adds Dean Barbara Maria Willi.

“The Faculty of Music at JAMU is thus at the source of information, which will significantly help us in making future decisions. We will have a greater chance to join the IN.TUNE alliance of universities, opening new resources and supporting our technological and artistic development. By being represented in the AEC Council, we can initiate AEC Council meetings at our university, thereby increasing our relevance and prestige in the world. Membership in the Council opens doors to new international partnerships with potential partners. Through our membership, we can more effectively express the interests and needs of art schools from Central and Eastern Europe, contributing to the culture of freedom and equality.“